Monday, April 8, 2013

The Incident©

“Sir, I think you should take this call”.
President Baker took a deep breath and exhaled. ‘Please, not again’ he pleaded silently.
“Baker here”
“Sir, this is General Myers.  We have another incident.”
‘Oh god no!’, he screamed in his head. “Do we have details?”
“It’s still sketchy sir.”
“Get me those details as soon as possible.” Baker demanded. “Situation Room in 15 minutes”, he shouted to his Chief of Staff.

The room burst into action, energy spilling out into the hallway and down into other offices.  Soon the whole West Wing was buzzing with chatter, faxes and phone calls.  Press Secretary Angie Leventhall scrambled to get on top of the story.  She had exactly 10 minutes to pull something together and then revise as soon as the President came out of the Situation Room.

Phones started to ring off the hook.  Nikki Chang, the President’s personal secretary, began fielding calls and running interference.  Josiah Whitney, Communications Director, and Jamie Valencia, Deputy Chief of Staff strode into the Oval Office, arguing as usual.
“Sir, this is the 6th attack in as many days, Jamie feels that it is domestic.  I feel that it is the work of an outside extremist group.”
Jamie frowned, “It just feels like a domestic extremist group, although we can’t determine what the motive is.  They are being very specific as to their targets, but we are not seeing a reason to the pattern.”

“They appear to be non-discriminatory”, chimed in Dennis Joblanski, Chief of Staff. 
“Republicans, Democrats, white, brown, black, Senators and Representatives.  The Situation Room is ready, Mr. President.  I suggest we get this meeting started.”

They all gathered in the Situation Room, anxious, waiting for further instructions.
“Sir, we understand that it was Senator Joe Jackson from Illinois.”

“Yes, and we are still no closer to determining who is responsible.  Do I need to put a security detail around all Legislators until we get to the bottom of this?  I need answers and I need them now.  What is Homeland Security getting on this?” demanded the President. “Is there any chatter here or abroad? Are we working with the other agencies?  We can not afford to lose another legislator.  At this rate our government will be crippled in two weeks.”

“Sir, we are not hearing any chatter abroad.  We believe this to be the work of an extremist group within our borders with no ties to other groups”, stated General Johnson.

“Mr. President, this group is not making any claims, nor are they leaving any messages as to their motive or demands.  Homeland Security is working with every agency possible” Secretary of Homeland Security James Calhoun said looking fatigued and frustrated.

“I want you to turn over every rock; you find me the person or persons responsible.  I don’t care if you deliver them to me in pieces, just catch these bastards!”  Calming down a bit, the President continued, “I need these people caught.  They are single handedly destroying our government.”

The group remained in the Situation Room as the President left to prepare for the press briefing.  As he leaves the Situation Room Angie and Josiah fall in step with the President, briefing him on what they know and handing him a one-page speech. 

“Sir, it is important that you be brief,” said Angie.  “I’ll field the questions; I need you to make the statement and leave.  Do you understand, sir?”

“Yes, read speech, leave”.  The President looked drained.

Jamie came running at a full sprint, and breathlessly exclaimed, “Sir, we have another incident, it’s the Vice President”.

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