Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Cabana Boy ©

It started out as a playful joke.  She was not happy that he had put her in charge of a project that was half done and a complete disaster.  To show her disdain she had told him when she brought the project in on time and on budget he would owe her a trip to the Caribbean.  Not only the trip to Caribbean, but she wanted a tall, dark, handsome cabana boy waiting at the hotel with an umbrella drink in his hand when she arrived.  She was emphatic about the cabana boy. He had laughingly agreed. 

Recently it had morphed into just a cabana boy.  The sexual innuendos were there, just below the surface. Nothing overt.  It was an odd, artful dance around the subject, staying just this side of PC.

He teased her about finding one for a bargain, she was not amused.  “I am worth so much more than that”, she exclaimed with mock indignation. 

He somehow instinctively knew how to push her buttons, what drove her crazy and how to use that to his advantage.  What he didn’t know was that she found this endearing, sweet and as he revealed pieces of himself to her she couldn’t help but feel drawn to him.  She was careful to never allow him to know this, to see her labored breathing whenever he got too close.  She was being silly and allowing a “school girl crush” to drive her hormones crazy.  She was much too old to allow her vivid imagination to run amuck.  Yet they did.  Oh how she wished that he would be her cabana boy. How she fantasized about going to collect her reward and having him pull her close, then in a very sensual voice, with just a hint of a Caribbean accent, telling her that he was her cabana boy.  And then reality sets in and she is snapped back to the real world.

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