Friday, June 18, 2010

The Dream ©

She woke up with start. Rubbing her eyes she reached for her glasses on the table beside the bed. ‘Arghh’ she thought, ‘4 am’. She had been having a dream, a bit disturbing dream. She wasn’t sure what it meant. Since she was a little girl she had had these dreams, premonitions I guess you would call them, little snap shots of time. Some were good, some were bad. Although she pretended to be surprised when one came true, she knew deep down which ones would happen. Her mother told her she was an empath and it was hereditary. She hadn’t had one of these dreams for a long time. She couldn’t predict a disaster or who it specifically would happen to, it was always very vague, although it always involved her. This one was the same, vague but certain things stood out. She felt confused.

This dream was about a man that she had feelings for, although they were only friends. She had fantasies about him, but never had dreamt about him. Recently he had been letting more of his personality show, he was becoming more comfortable with her, but with that new intimacy, the strong sexual desire for him was fading. It was kind of sad, but wondering what he would taste like, aching for him to touch her for 3 years had to end eventually, one way or the other.

The dream was especially disturbing as it specifically involved other people at work. She recognized them and that was unusual. In the dream Jack’s secretary called her and told her that she was wanted in his office immediately. Nothing had happened at work, she had been working on a big project and it was going fairly well, there was some whining about the process, but that was to be expected.


When she walked into his office there were people already sitting in there, actually it was all women. She was confused. One of the women turned and gave her a smug smile. She wasn’t sure what that was for but could tell it wasn’t good. Suddenly the room was empty except for Ruth, Jack’s boss; Jack and herself. Ruth looked at him and said, “You need to hear her side before you make a snap judgement”, then turned to her and gave her a sympathetic smile.

“How could you?” Jack demanded.

“How could I what?” she asked confused.

“How could you be dating that man? Are you giving him secrets?”

Now totally confused she asked, “Dating who?”

“You know perfectly well who! Bill Jefferson.”

“Who?”, now more confused than ever. She didn’t know a Bill Jefferson, she wasn’t dating anyone, and since her divorce she wasn’t even sleeping with anyone.

“See, I told you that you needed to check your facts” Ruth said softly to Jack.

“Who even said I was dating this person, better yet, whose damn business is it anyway who I am seeing or not seeing?” she said a little more angry than she meant.

Now her anger was rising. There was something more to this than what he was saying or asking.

“Ruth, could you please leave us alone for a moment, I think there is something that Jack and I need to discuss”.

“Yes, I see”, said Ruth as a knowing look was passed between the two women. Ruth left closing the office door behind her.

“What the hell?” she said glaring at him. “Who started this rumor? Who told you this lie? Who invited you in on that part of my life anyway?”

Seeing that she was pissed, calmed him down a little.

“I was afraid that you may be leaking company secrets”

“Bullshit” she was angry. She never swore, especially not at work and especially not in front of Jack.

“There is something else going on here, why are you really angry at me?” she demanded.

“It’s not important”

“It’s important to me!” she said becoming more emotional. She was hurt, sad, angry, tired and now her emotions were running close to the surface.

“Look at me…… please?” he asked quietly.

“No” Her eyes were filling with tears and she did not want him to see.

He stood up and pulled her into his arms. They were warm and she could feel the beat of his heart as she buried her face in his sweater. She wanted to melt against him. Felt herself giving into that need.

And then she woke up. Although parts were a little fuzzy the basics were very clear.


She got up, took a shower and proceeded to move through her day. When she got to work she started working a project that she had been doing for Jack. It was nearly finished and she was really proud of the work. She checked his schedule to see when he would be available to meet with her and discovered that he was out that day. Suddenly she was rocked with emotion. She couldn’t say which emotion exactly it was, but she felt a little sad and an emotion that she couldn’t quite identify.

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